Journals From the Journey

 This symbol is from the Zuni Tribe of the American South West.  It is a very special symbol to me because it combines two important concepts in a unified representation.  The first concept is that of the Medicine Wheel which represents the cyclic journey and evolution of all things and processes through the four stages shown by the four directions. (This is better explained elsewhere, so follow the link.)  The second concept is one that often appears in Zuni art.  It is the idea of the maze as a symbol for life's journey.   Life is like a maze, with dead ends, detours and unexpected turns.  Together these symbols show our lives as journeys around the medicine wheel, not as a straight or curved path, but as an adventure to be lived and a path to be chosen and explored.  It is a path with many forks.  I have tried to include here some of my discoveries from these paths.

Reading as a 
Subversive  Activity

An examination of teaching literacy 
from a perspective of gender.  
Why are adolescent boys hesitant to read??

For the most deceptive
and base advertising

Base Advertising Relating Fallacies

"Pioneering TV advertisers soon discovered that they could train teenagers to have special needs: special foods, special beverages, special clothing, special music, special movies.  So successful was this strategy that the advertisers soon broadened their targets to include pre-teens and post-teens.  They have now persuaded eight-year-olds that they are already teenagers and twenty-five-year-olds that they are still adolescents.  Though the miracle of television advertising, these human beings have been fine-tuned into market targets."   Bateman

Article #1
One view of life, purpose
and meaning


This article was written several years ago for a gifted teenager who was suffering from a depression of purpose in his life.  I think it is a common state among our youth.  However, among those who have become more aware and who see a broader reality of the world, it is more acute.

Poem dedicated to
Ken Jessop

    The following poem was written by me in 198? after a double tragedy.  The first one was the explosion of the space shuttle, killing the astronauts and the teacher whose class was watching the launch.  The second was the murder of Christine Jessop, whose brother, Ken, I had taught in Grade 6.  In both cases I strongly felt that the media had not only intruded in an area which demonstrated poor tact, but also that they had exploited the grief of those involved.  One night, feeling more than a little anger, I sat down, picked up a pen, and the words just flowed out...

Article #3

An examination of self-absorbed behaviour in adolescents and its relation to awareness development.

    We have removed from our society most things that would correct a self absorbed state of mind in our society. The awareness of noticing what is going on in society and the general environment is underdeveloped in young adults. This extends from noticing what is going on in their lives to what’s happening in the bigger scenes of politics or global environment. The brain patterns needed to notice things outside of a narrow, self indulgent sphere, are never developed.

Article #4

This is an essay and charts examining the application of the Medicine Wheel and Gurdjieff's "Law Of Octaves" to the development of group dynamics and leadership skills.  The first part was used at the CIT program at the YRDSB Arts Camp.  The second part is in progress and will be added some time in the future.

Article #5  
An extensive work in progress



   We tend to view reality as a constant. We forget that our concept of reality has changed over the centuries in some subtle and not so subtle ways. Our current view of reality is dominated by two main factors: our perception and the consensus of modernism (the reality paradigm predominant in the twentieth century and based in Newtonian and post-Newtonian views of the cosmos and its workings). And yet, there is much mounting evidence that what we regard as reality is but a small slice of the perhaps infinite pie.

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